-70% of voters were not registered Republicans;
-Haley campaign has spent more than $31 million in New Hampshire since 2023;
-Haley's in for the long haul, and has a significant war chest (brought in $24 million in Q4 2023 alone);
-From Nikki Haley: “I’ve got bad news for the political establishment: I’m not going anywhere…except to my sweet South Carolina. We’re not going to let them coronate Donald Trump when 48 states haven’t voted.”
Within the 70% who were not republicans, how many were strategic voters voting for Haley to diminish Trump? And how will Trump & Haley measure up against each other in SC and other states?
At the moment, I believe Haley can beat Biden, and Trump beating Biden will be a close call. Still, if Trump continues his winning streak through the primaries, and if Biden suffers anymore blunders, things could change.
Regardless of your stance, 2024 will be one of the most contentious yet.