Radicals Against the Supreme Court: As Anti-American as It Gets
Nothing is more preposterous than the idea of dismantling, or changing, the Supreme Court of the United States
"Everyone is free to disagree with our decisions and critique our reasoning, but suggesting that the court is an illegitimate institution or questioning our integrity crosses a significant line," Justice Alito told The Wall Street Journal on September 29, 2022.
The Supreme Court has the incredibly important role of interpreting the Constitution and setting forth decisions that align with our founding principles. Disrespecting this institution undermines a foundational fabric of our constitutional republic, and arguments that question the legitimacy of the Supreme Court are really just progressive - or radical - nonsense.
The Supreme Court was established on September 24, 1789, by the Judiciary Act and had its first session on February 2, 1790. The first justices were Chief Justice John Jay and Associate Justices John Rutledge, William Cushing, James Wilson, John Blair, and James Iredell.
The judiciary, and specifically the Supreme Court, acts as a check on the legislative and executive branches, thereby ensuring the American system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch from gaining too much power.
The turmoil of the last eight years has proven the incredible resilience of the United States' system, and its ability to withstand repeated attacks. This is one of the reasons why I'm so dismayed at the disrespect shown to the Supreme Court by the mainstream media, politicians and activists.
Disagreement with specific rulings or the composition of SCOTUS is expected; outright hatred towards the institution itself is dangerous, ignorant, and immature. Afterall, the Supreme Court’s role is not to make popular decisions but to interpret the law impartially. This is common knowledge.
Progressive news personality Keith Olbermann said on March 4, 2024, "The Supreme Court has betrayed democracy. Its members have shown themselves to be corrupt and illegitimate. It must be dissolved."
Critiques of US institutions are fine and well, but the far-left’s vitriol towards SCOTUS does far more harm than they realize.
The idea of dismantling or fundamentally changing the Supreme Court is not just ill-advised; it is ludicrous. The Supreme Court stands as one of the preeminent pillars of our Republic. The balance SCOTUS provides is essential; without it, our nation would implode. The rule of law is a cornerstone of American society. It sets us apart from other nations. This remains true despite the ongoing abuse of the legal system, empowering the law of the land to attack political foes (lawfare), that we have seen over the past few years.
Have you met a Supreme Court justice? These are not common citizens making legal guesses. They are not hack legal professionals. These are highly capable jurists who have devoted their lives to the law and the Constitution. They are, in many ways, a modern-day example of American exceptionalism. We need more Americans like this; wholeheartedly devoted to pragmatic cause, and unusually steeped in knowledge and logic.
It is true that the Courts are not without fault. We've witnessed recent controversies involving several justices. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson faced criticism for her reluctance to define the term 'woman,' and Justice Alito was harassed by a neighbor, which turned into a micro-controversy with progressives calling for him to recuse himself from certain cases. Before that, the mainstream media went after Justice Clarence Thomas, attempting to brand him as a corrupt justice, for taking vacations and retreats, paid for by a conservative multimillionaire.
But, just because there has been controversy does not mean we scrap the system. It does not mean we usher in change. Notice a common theme amongst radicals. They take any controversy and exploit it for their own benefit, often hyperventilating over the smallest nuances and making false claims of systemic oppression. They do this because they want to erode confidence and damage American institutions.
Still, the court tends to swing both ways. It is usually impartial. For progressives, it’s important to note that the Supreme Court has historically played a role in advancing civil rights and social justice issues. Decisions such as Brown v. Board of Education (overturning racial segregation) and Obergefell v. Hodges (allowing same-sex marriage) have benefited marginalized groups. How easily they forget.
On Friday, June 28th, SCOTUS denied Steve Bannon’s request to stay out of jail pending his appeal. Should progressives not see this as a leftist victory? This makes you wonder, what are the radicals complaining about when they criticize SCOTUS? Are they just attempting to find new reasons to call for a revolution?
Progressives must realize that their relentless attacks on the Supreme Court are baseless and dangerous. These progressives call for revolution over anything and everything, and their desire to alter or do away with the Constitution shows a blatant disregard for our foundational principles. I believe this action is anti-American, and I also believe that, in America, blatant anti-American beliefs and actions are wrong.
Regardless, if you dismantle or even change the makeup of SCOTUS, as stated, America will implode, and we will have more than a revolution on our hands.
For detailed analysis on SCOTUS's decisions, check out this blog: https://www.scotusblog.com/