France Deports Mahjoub Mahjoubi
France has expelled a "radical" imam who made "unacceptable remarks" about the country's flag...
As I mentioned in a post here a few weeks ago, France has made moves to change their immigration laws (link). Finally, it looks like France is getting serious.
Over the years I've spent a lot of time in France and have been shocked to see the country's issues from hyper-liberal immigration policies.
Controlled immigration is a good thing, but open borders without security checks and without proper procedures is one of the biggest threats to Western democracy and freedom. The arguments from leftist open border supporters are completely ludicrous.
While it seems Western democracies are finally prohibiting intolerance against the Western way of life, this is something that should have been done decades ago.
Recently the UK announced plans to deport foreign criminals, as reported in The Telegraph: "Foreign shoplifters, thieves and drug dealers are to be deported rather than prosecuted as part of radical plans by the Justice Secretary to free up prison spaces."
Arrogant policies from European disconnected politicians are finally caving in, but there is still an uphill battle ahead.